Archive: Need help this is confusing

Need help this is confusing
Alright basically what I am trying to do is make a small updater that will download an ini file from the web and compare the version number in the ini with the ini file that is on the system and if the version number is newer then it will download the update. This is what I have:

NSISdl::download "" "C:\new.ini"

ReadINIStr $0 "C:\old.ini" "File Version" "Version"
ReadINIStr $1 "C:\new.ini" "File Version" "Version"
IntCmp $0 $1 lessthan$1 morethan$0
DetailPrint "No Update"
Goto done
DetailPrint "Update"
NSISdl::download "" "C:\"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Downloaded file update!"

The only part that seems to work is the first part that downloads new.ini, I'm a noob to NSIS so any help on this would be great.

See documentation, IntCmp

val1 val2 jump_if_equal [jump_if_val1_less] [jump_if_val1_more]

intCmp $1 $0 no_download no_download download

Ugh ok I have been trying hard to figure this out but can't seem to get it, I read the documentation and changed the code which now it looks like it makes more sense and should work but sadly still not working like it should.

NSISdl::download "" "C:\new.ini"

ReadINIStr $0 "C:\old.ini" "File Version" "Version"
ReadINIStr $1 "C:\new.ini" "File Version" "Version"
IntCmp $0 $1 is$0 lessthan$0 morethan$0
DetailPrint "No Updates"
Goto done
DetailPrint "No Updates"
Goto done
DetailPrint "Updates"
NSISdl::download "" "C:\"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Downloaded file update!"

val1 val2 jump_if_equal [jump_if_val1_less] [jump_if_val1_more]

EDIT: double post :)

1. Good idea is to get result code from stack (Pop) after every download - see NSISdl examples.
2. Use labels without $
3. Use MessageBox for debugging-tracing.

MessageBox MB_OK "old=$0 new=$1"

Ok so it's now setup just like you posted yet it's not downloading the

NSISdl::download "" "C:\new.ini"

ReadINIStr $0 "C:\old.ini" "File Version" "Version"
ReadINIStr $1 "C:\new.ini" "File Version" "Version"
IntCmp $0 $1 jump_if_equal jump_if_$0_less jump_if_$0_more
DetailPrint "No Updates"
Goto done
DetailPrint "No Updates"
Goto done
DetailPrint "Updates"
NSISdl::download "" "C:\"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Downloaded file update!"

Could it be I have my ini files setup wrong and it's not reading them correctly? I mean I am pretty sure they are set up right:

new.ini text:
[File Version]

old.ini text:
[File Version]

Sorry for being a complete noob at this.....

Thanks Takhir, I will try it and see if I have some luck.

versions are not integers
you should try E.3.16 VersionCompare

Thank you so much for helping it finally works. :D

Will make a new thread >.<