Archive: Multilanguage Selection Not showing up

Multilanguage Selection Not showing up
I had been using the the multilange example nsi file for a few days and it has always shown me the Language Selector pop up. Today, however, I no longer see it. The only thing I changed today was pointing MUI_ICON and MUI_UNICON to another icon. I tried changing the default language to something else and I still got English. Even commenting out my changes had no effect. I then tried to run the example file again, and even the example skipped the Language Selector. Has anybody seen this before?

Please try to do this, cause it works for me.

Function .onInit
;Display Languages

Hmm that's already in the code, just seems to be ignoring it or something. I just find it weird that the example is no longer working as well.

You've probably defined MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_* in your code. The installer remembers your last choice. Delete the registry value to get the dialog again.

The MUI ReadMe explains this:

"If you want the installer to display a language selection dialog ... insert the MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY macro in the .onInit function"

"To remember the user's preference, you can define a registry key ... The users preference will be remembered."

"To customize the language selection dialog interface, use these defines before inserting the MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY macro.


Always show the language selection dialog, even if a language has been stored in the registry. The language stored in the registry will be selected by default."