Archive: Offset search

Offset search
Hi all
i'm trying to search a file in specific offsets and apparently "fileseek" is not the command i was looking for.

the text file look like this: "xxxxxxxxxx1x2x3"
(x=random characters, 1/2/3=needed characters)
i tried fileseek but all i got was: $1=3 $2=2x3 $3=1x2x3

how can i read characters from a file without knowing what the characters are? (only their position in the file)


OutFile "test.exe"
SilentInstall silent

Section "search" SEC01
FileOpen $4 "l:\file.txt" r
FileSeek $4 14
FileRead $4 $1
FileSeek $4 12
FileRead $4 $2
FileSeek $4 10
FileRead $4 $3
FileClose $4
MessageBox MB_OK '$1 - $2 - $3'


found the solution, ignore thread.