Archive: execwait



>SetOutPath $INSTDIR
File gtk
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\gtk+-2.8.18-setup-1.exe"
can i make that the programm will be installed in the 1 prozess bar and that it dont open itself
so i dont want to using the gtk install
it should install with the nsis the nsis installer

i dont know how i can write it that you can unterstand;)

i hope you understand me...:rolleyes:

You should unpack the gtk installer and add its contain to your script, but, you need to know the right destination for each file and registry/ini entries that added.
You'd probably need an installation monitor application that captures all activities from an installer.
When you'd know all required info, you'd reproduce them into your script.

is there where someone how has make this

because it is very big^^
i dont think i can it