Archive: PDA/Smart Device Installation

PDA/Smart Device Installation
How does one install to a PDA or Smart Device from NSIS? Currently I'm using a setup project from VS.NET2k3 and using custom AfterInstall and AfterUninstall methods.

If a NSIS PDA installer is possible, how does one install files that need to go to the PC and files that need to go to the PDA? I'm thinking that I should create a PDA installer, and then an installer for the PC that calls the PDA installer after the PDA product is successfully installed.

Thanks guys.

Hey guys

Basically it is:
ReadRegStr $1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CEAppMgr.exe" ""

StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\theAppropriateINIFile.ini"

; Just want to clarify:
; I don't know why the author (RobbertH)
; swapped $1 and $0 around. I would've
; called CEAppMgr $0 and the INI file
; $1, but hey.
ExecWait '"$1" "$0"'

So glad to finally be rid of VS.NET2k3 installers! HTH.