Archive: Registered Trademark / Copyright Symbols

Registered Trademark / Copyright Symbols
When I try to insert the ® or © symbols within NSIS they are outputted incorrectly. What is the proper way to insert high-ascii characters into a dialog box or string such as:

!define PRODUCTNAME "WidgetLab® Widget™"
VIAddVersionKey ProductName "${PRODUCTNAME}"

Thank you,

I use a copyright symbol and it works fine. You can have a look at the attachment of my recent post with subject "Variable is not resolved". Check line 29.

You may also want to check your font - another font may do the trick.

I set the encoding for the NSI to ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8 and all is well.

I am trying to display the TM symbol. I copied from Word then paste into nsi script via Notepad++. It displays properly for English, but for Chinese, it displays a question mark (?).

Is there an option for superscript font in NullSoft?

You may need to use the Unicode build if you aren't already.
