Archive: ONLY_NUMBERS Flag in Install Options Problem

ONLY_NUMBERS Flag in Install Options Problem

I would like to enquire on the ONLY_NUMBERS flag option.

Using the HM NIS editior, I have created a new Install Options file with a Text Field and the ONLY_NUMBERS Flag set. Hence, upon compiling the script and executing the installer, I could only key in Numbers into this Text field.

However, I am able to Copy Paste alphabets into this field although the ONLY_NUMBERS flag is set as True.

Does this flag only fires based on OnKeyPress events and does not operated on Copy Paste events?

Is there any way to configure this text field to also block non-number characters based on Copy Paste events?

Would appreciate any comments on this issue.

Thanks very much.

It should filter out paste events as well. ES_NUMBER style is used for it, which apparently doesn't care for pastes. Even MSDN says that.

Allows only digits to be entered into the edit control. Note that, even with this set, it is still possible to paste non-digits into the edit control.
Please submit a bug report about this.

For now, you can manually check the field's value in the leave function of the page.

Hi Kichik,

Thanks for the information.

I have posted a bug report regarding this issue. Specifications of the bug report are:

1. Bug report ID : 1652075
2. Summary: ONLY_NUMBERS Flag (Install Options Plugin) bug

I did not specify the person to assign to but I assume that I am assigning this issue to you.

Thanks again.