Archive: Shortcuts on Vista

Shortcuts on Vista
I've looked around the forum and found a few topics on this. Using the uninstaller fails to delete the shortcuts in the start menu.

I do MessageBox MB_OK, "$SMPROGRAMS" and it returns the correct path... why doesn't DeleteFile "$SMPROGRAMS\Test\test.lnk" work? Any input would be great and sorry if this is posted elsewhere, I could not find the correct term I wanted to search for.

See if you used "SetShellVarContext all" and "SetShellVarContext current" in the correct way just before your "CreateShortCut" command.


Also make sure you use the Latest v2.23 or higher of NSIS since older version of NSIS had certain defect behaviour when creating icons.

Try an example included with NSIS and see what happens.

Yup SetShellVarContext all seems to have fixed it. It has to be declared twice, during install, and during uninstall. I appreciate your help. :up: