Looking for new project maintainer for the ExperienceUI
Hey NSIS community,
Those of you who know me will be able to say that I haven't been around much during the past year. In 2005, when I released the ExperienceUI, I was really big on Windows. Things have changed. During the process of developing the ExperienceUI website I was forced to pick up a little bit of PHP. My curiosity led me deeper and deeper into that, and soon I had written a (primitive) content management system that used MySQL. Later I learned Javascript and then how to use AJAX, and eventually I developed a fancy comment system for articles. Then a template compiler. Then a session manager. And so on, and so forth.

You get the picture.

During the process of switching to PHP I became aware of the famous combo known as LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl. I needed a Linux environment to work with, so I switched my desktop PC to openSUSE Linux (10.1 at the time). There is a single DVD sitting in the top drawer of my desk labeled "My Windows-infested life expressed in 4.7GB." I haven't used it in about 6 months. The fact is that I've become overtaken by Free Software, and I've stopped using Windows completely except for the occasional round of SimCity. Naturally my ability to develop NSIS stuff disappeared with the switch to Linux - especially because WINE and Component Manager don't mix very well.

So my announcement is this: I am looking for someone who has been active in the NSIS community for a considerable amount of time and is extremely familiar with the ins and outs of the NSIS scripting language to take over the day-to-day development of the ExperienceUI and Component Manager. Discontinuing these projects is not an option - both are still in my opinion great tools for NSIS users.

If anyone is interested please contact me at dan at enanocms dot org.
