Archive: Installing silently embedded installers

Installing silently embedded installers

I'd like to use NSI in order to deploy (and update) a Ruby based client application.

Installation requires a few steps first:

- Ruby Installation (

- Postgresql ODBC driver Installation (

- File copy, patches...

I'm trying to figure out how to embed other installers in my NSI script, and hopefully let them do the work silently, without user intervention. In both packages mentioned, I could not find a command-line parameter that would allow me saying: "do the job silently, please". Is there an NSI way of doing that maybe?

Another option would to to launch the normal install dialog, which requires a few clicks from the user, but then I'd like to know how to detect the end of the embedded installer job, in order to continue the installation automatically.

I could not find any example showing that, hopefully this is not the kind of question newbies ask every day on this list...!


Philippe Lang

Sorry, I think I started asking for help too early. I found all I needed here:

