Archive: nsisunz plugin and file dates

nsisunz plugin and file dates

It seems the nsisunz plugin doesn't restore file dates when extracting them. They all contains the extraction date. Does anybody have the same problem ? Any idea ?

Sebastien SetDateSave This command sets the file date/time saving flag which is used by the File command to determine whether or not to save the last write date and time of the file, so that it can be restored on installation. Valid flags are 'on' and 'off'. 'on' is the default.

It sounds like your script contains the statement SetDateSave off. Remove that statement and see what happens.

If the plugin is doing it, and you don't have a SetDateSave statement, maybe you need to look for options in that plugin, or change to another unzip plugin?


Hi and thanks for your answer.

In fact, my script does not include that statement and it should not have any effect to have it or not. In fact, I don't call the File command in my script but I call the following :
nsisunz::Unzip "" "c:\dest_dir"

It extract the content of a zip file and put it in the "c:\dest_dir" directory. When it extracts the content of the zip archive it sets the date of these files to the extraction date/time and not to the original date/time.


I don't think I can help you. I tried to look at the nsisunz plugin code, but the download links are broken. I think the plugin is writing the file and not setting the stored date, but I'm only guessing.


Yeah, thanks anyway for looking at it. I just wanted to warn people and maybe reach the author of the plugin.

I didn't have time to look to modify the plugin so I searched for other alternatives. In the zlib distribution, there is a small utility called "minizip" which produces 2 executables "minizip.exe" and "miniunz.exe". I use the later to extract my zip files with the correct date. nsisunz is a bit easier but it is only a matter of copying the exe to a temp place, extracting the zip and deleting the exe.


it is only a matter of copying the exe to a temp place, extracting the zip and deleting the exe
The $PLUGINSDIR is a good temp directory that gets deleted (along with its contents) when the installer finishes.


Is this filedate issue resolvable by using either




Not sure if 7z handles regular zips and not sure if either of above preserve filedates correctly?

Note also, filedate issue when unpacking NSIS in multiple timezones... see separate discussion at

Further... just tried ZipDLL and it works fine, preserves dates. Just grab the dll, add to plugins folder, and call the extractall method.

Here's a little sample download and unpack...

NSISdl::download "$PLUGINSDIR\"
ZipDLL::extractall "$PLUGINSDIR\" "$INSTDIR"

If has subfolders inside the zip, they all unpack correctly to a little tree at wherever (eg above to $INSTDIR)