Causes for the display of Reboot & Manual button on FinishPage
Hi Folks!
Yes, I'm back! Was not in touch for weeks due official tour and other assignments.
I'm yet to go through the threads started by me in the last 20 days. I'll definitely go through them and will revert to them. But in the meantime,here's one more new issue.
The senior most person from my management have reported that my installer has once worked peculiarly, though he was unable to reproduce the anomaly in front of me.
He is saying that my installer has displayed the option 'Reboot' and 'Manual' in the Finish page of the installation. I'm wondering how can it be, when I've not issued any such command! And the installer was working fine when I left. As per him, at that situation he selected the option 'manual'. And after the installation he run our application and discovered that the application is giving an error as the installer failed to register one of the ocx. This is the whole scenario, tell me why this thing happened for once only and he was unable to recreate this error again as the installer is working fine after that one time blunder.
In my knowledge knowingly, I've not used any commands related to reboot in my installer script. May be the installer is auto-checking the installation and activating this feature! During installation my installer uses the command DELETE and COPY for certain operations. Anything related to, if the operation is unsucessful?
Still these are the commands anything close to reboot in use:
Section "-Install ActiveX controls "
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\MyApp.exe" 0 new_installation
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL $ALREADY_INSTALLED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "AppDLLOCX\comdlg32.ocx" "$SYSDIR\comdlg32.ocx" "$SYSDIR"
Section Uninstall
; plz. note the following line is commented!
Function .onRebootFailed
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Reboot failed. Please reboot manually." /SD IDOK
With regards,