Archive: locate file & change default output path

locate file & change default output path
  Ok, I have just wasted over 5 hours of my life on this. I'm obviously not a programmer.

Can someone please provide me a sample or point me in the correct direction as I have been through countless samples and forumn postings and I'm still lost.

Our company needs to send a .dll file to our already installed application. Our install paths differ from ver to ver, so I'm doing a search the main file: filename.exe and using the path.

However, for a user that specified thier own custom directory at during the original install, I have to provide them a way for specifying the directory.

I'd like to have the install script automatically search for the path and make it's best guess. The path it guesses should be displayed as the default path to isntall to. They still have the option of specifying a directory with the browse button.

I've been using the locate function to find the path, but I can't seem to get it to show up on the installdir dialog that pops up.


${Locate} "c:\program files\<path>\" "/M=<filename.exe>" "Found1"


Function "Found1"
; $R9 "path\name"
; $R8 "path"
; $R7 "name"
; $R6 "size" ($R6="" if directory, $R6="0" if file with /S=)

; $R0-$R5 are not used (save data in them).
; ...

MessageBox MB_OK $R8
SetOutPath $R8

#Push $var ; If $var="StopLocate" Then exit from function

SetCompress off
Name "${APP_NAME}"
Caption "${APP_NAME}"
BrandingText "${APP_NAME}"
XPStyle on
InstallDirRegKey "${REG_ROOT}" "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "UninstallString"


!include "MUI.nsh"


!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME




!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH



!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"


Section -MainProgram
SetOverwrite ifnewer
#SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOutPath "c:\"
File "C:\918988_HOTFIX\riched20.dll"


Section -Icons_Reg
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"

WriteRegStr ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "DisplayName" "${APP_NAME}"
WriteRegStr ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
WriteRegStr ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION}"
WriteRegStr ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "Publisher" "${COMP_NAME}"

!ifdef WEB_SITE
WriteRegStr ${REG_ROOT} "${UNINSTALL_PATH}" "URLInfoAbout" "${WEB_SITE}"


Section Uninstall
Delete "$INSTDIR\riched20.dll"
Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
!ifdef WEB_SITE
Delete "$INSTDIR\${APP_NAME} website.url"




Function "Found1"
; $R9 "path\name"
; $R8 "path"
; $R7 "name"
; $R6 "size" ($R6="" if directory, $R6="0" if file with /S=)

; $R0-$R5 are not used (save data in them).
; ...

MessageBox MB_OK $R8
SetOutPath $R8

Push $0; If $var="StopLocate" Then exit from function

Our company needs to send a .dll file to our already installed application. Our install paths differ from ver to ver, so I'm doing a search the main file: filename.exe and using the path.

However, for a user that specified thier own custom directory at during the original install, I have to provide them a way for specifying the directory.

I'd like to have the install script automatically search for the path and make it's best guess. The path it guesses should be displayed as the default path to isntall to. They still have the option of specifying a directory with the browse button.
Unless I miss something here, this is exactly what InstallDirRegKey does.
However, if you want to ${Locate} a file and pass the current location as $INSTDIR, you need to do it in function .onInit instead of a section while sections executed when users hit the Install button.

Thank you! I am now able to get the code to execute before the pages are displayed and not after the user hits the install button.

I'm still not able to change the path displayed on the installation directory screen.

I'm using SetOutPath "$R8" to have it display the path that was just located. I can't get it to actually work though. Any suggestions?

Much appreciation.

Function .onInit
${Locate} "c:\program files\seagull\" "/M=bartend.exe" Found1

Function "Found1"
; $R9 "path\name"
; $R8 "path"
; $R7 "name"
; $R6 "size" ($R6="" if directory, $R6="0" if file with /S=)

; $R0-$R5 are not used (save data in them).
; ...

MessageBox MB_OK $R8
SetOutPath $R8

Push $0 ; If $var="StopLocate" Then exit from function


I don't quite understand what you're trying to do...
You know the path "c:\program files\seagull\" or not?

Anyway, something like this I hope would help,

Function .onInit
${Locate} "$PROGRAMFILES" "/L=F /M=bartend.exe" Found1

Function "Found1"
MessageBox MB_OK "$R8"
StrCpy "$INSTDIR" "$R8"
StrCpy $0 StopLocate
Push $0

Thanks a lot! it's working! I really appreciate it. I'm not used to this programming syntax.

I actually started reading through the programming manual to understand the syntax and I see that I wasn't updating the value of the $INSTDIR. I was using something like $INSTDR = "whatever". I now understand the use of StrCpy and how it copies a value from one variable to another variable. ie. StrCpy (var1) (var2).

It's pretty rewarding to get this thing to actually work!

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.


I am new to NSIS and this is my first post here. Over the last few days I have successfully built my first installer and I have spent a great amount of time Googling solutions to the various problems that I have encountered along the way.

In that respect, I have already found this thread extremely useful, as it contains an example of how to locate an unknown path which will vary from user to user.

If possible, I would now like to expand on this, as I would like my application by default to copy its files into multiple directories, the exact paths of which will vary. Users should be presented with a list of all available installation directory paths and should be able to add or remove directories to or from the list as they choose.

I have been able to use the Locate function to identify the first path it finds, but I'm not sure how to locate subsequent directories and what to do with the results to get them presented into a list.

I'm hoping that somebody can either point me in the right direction of where to look, or provide a specific example.

The attached screenshot of an example of the sort of end result that I'm ultimately looking to achieve.

Can anybody help with my last post above? Please, as I'm really stuck.

I'm currently using the following code:


::Show /NOUNLOAD "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} Setup" /top "Searching for suitable installation folders ....."
>${Locate} "$PROGRAMFILES" "/L=F /M=MetaEditor.exe" FindPath
nxs:: Destroy


>Function "FindPath"

>StrCpy "$INSTDIR" "$R8"
>MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "The ${PRODUCT_NAME} Installer has found the following suitable installation directory$\n$\n $INSTDIR$\n$\nClick YES if you would like to install ${PRODUCT_NAME} to the selected directory.$\n$\nClick NO to continue searching for a different installation directory." IDNO +2
StrCpy$0 StopLocate

This code allows the user to scroll through the suitable installation folders one by one until he finds one that he likes. This is OK, but users will need to run the installer again if they want to install to another folder.

I would like to locate and present all suitable installation folders to the user and, by default, install to all of those folders, giving the user an option to deselect any folder that he doesn't wish to install to.

I know it can be done, but how?

You'll have to populate a list somehow. You can use some delimited string, or maybe an array, or save to a temp file.

You'll need a multiselect listbox.

The following should get you started (Assuming you're using NSDialogs):

${NSD_AddStyle} $Listbox LBS_MULTIPLESEL


${NSD_LB_GetCount} $Listbox $itemCount

;allocate memory for $itemCount integers
IntOp $0 $itemCount * 4
System::Alloc $0
Pop $address

;place indices of selected items in the allocated memory
SendMessage $Listbox ${LB_GETSELITEMS} $itemCount $address $selItemCount

${If} $selItemCount > 0

; Calculate the address of last item
IntOp $5 $selItemCount - 1
IntOp $5 $5 * 4
IntOp $address $address + $5

; Loop through all selected items.
${For} $R1 1 $selItemCount

;get current index
System::Call "*$address(i .r0)"
System::Call user32::SendMessage(i$Listbox,i${LB_GETTEXT},i$0,t.r1)
; Selected item is in $1

;move to next index
IntOp $address $address - 4

(Most from:

Thanks for the quick replies, it's much appreciated.

Multiselect Listbox isn't something that I've encountered before, so at least I can start to do some research into it. A Google search is returning lots of reading material with examples, so I should be able to get going on it.