Archive: getting options from exclusive radio buttons written to file

getting options from exclusive radio buttons written to file

I have a question:

I am trying to insert a custom page in an installer which will do the following at some point during the installation (doesn't matter when it happens as long as it happens)

-5 radio buttons which are mutually exclusive (I have seen this:
but that is not what I want. Each choice should not lead to a new section. Instead they should perform the following function:
-depending on which radio button is selected, an autoexec.cfg enclosed in the installation needs to have one of 5 different lines altered
one of 5 different versions of the autoexec included in the installer should be installed, the others discarded. Not sure how that would work because they would all need to have the same name in the same place.

It doesn't matter which of the above takes place, it just needs to happen somehow. I am using HM NIS Edit 2.0 and have a full installer working, I just need this last step.


You may extract and edit the file using Text Functions Header,

or you may use File /oname to include all 5 files and extract the proper one,

Originally posted by Red Wine
You may extract and edit the file using Text Functions Header,

or you may use File /oname to include all 5 files and extract the proper one,
Thanks but are there any examples that show either process I've outlined above?

I hope this would help,

Originally posted by Red Wine
I hope this would help,
Perfect. Thanks very much!