Archive: Where does LANG_ENGLISH get defined

Where does LANG_ENGLISH get defined
I'm using NSIS 2.24 and a novice to it. When I !include "MUI.nsh", I know that I can use the const or variable ${LANG_ENGLISH} whose value is 1033.

But I can't figure out where LANG_ENGLISH is defined, after a full-text search for it in all *.nsh in ${NSISDIR} dir.

Could someone tell me where it is defined? Thanks.

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
and use the constant $LANGUAGE which now contains 1033.
If installer is multilingual $LANGUAGE contains the selected lang code.
See included MUI examples.

Sorry, Red Wine, but I don't think you've made it clear.

I know, the macro MUI_LANGUAGE is defined in "Modern_UI\System.nsh", which appears like this:


!verbose push
!verbose ${MUI_VERBOSE}

!include "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files\${LANGUAGE}.nsh"

!verbose pop


So, if some one writes in .nsh:

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

"Modern UI\Language files\English.nsh" will be included. But after viewing English.nsh, I still can't see where LANG_ENGLISH is defined.

What's more, I've searched all stock .nsh for the number 1033, and can't find it either(except in a comment section in English.nsh).

Please make it clear for me.

\NSIS\Contrib\Language files

Oops. Please be generous to write it more clearly, Anders.

I searched *.* in my NSIS intall dir for ``$PostCount'', I found nothing. So I don't don't know you meaning.

I don't think NSIS install dir is the right place to search for Anders signature ;)

LANG_ENGLISH is defined by LoadLanguageFile when you load English.nlf. You won't find it in any language file because it's automatically generated.

Thank you, dear NSIS developer. That comes to the point.