Archive: Ultra Modern UI - InstallOptions problem

Ultra Modern UI - InstallOptions problem
Hi SuperPat.

I have found a problem using UMUI with InstallOptions.
(And probably InstallOptionsEx)

I have noticed that if I have say 4+ fields on a custom page, any field over 4 or so will NOT get their background drawn correctly!
Instead of being blue (MUI_BGCOLOR), it ends up being the default Windows white/grey .

This code you have:
;$R0 NumField
;$0 compteur
;$1 compteur + 1200

IntOp $1 1200 + 0
IntOp $0 0 + 0


GetDlgItem $MUI_TEMP2 $MUI_TEMP1 $1

IntOp $1 $1 + 1
IntOp $0 $0 + 1

IntCmp $0 $R0 0 loop 0

Just doesn't seem to work right.

However, if instead of using GetDlgItem, I use:
IntOp $2 $0 + 1

This fixes the problem.
I have no idea why yours doesn't work, but it doesn't!

I think you don't have initialized your $RO variable