Archive: Displaying East Asian foreign language characters

Displaying East Asian foreign language characters
Can someone tell me how I can get NSIS to display East Asian languages in an installer. As a test, I'm using the languages.nsi script in the Examples dir.

I select an East Asian language from the menu when the languages.exe installer starts and the text is displayed incorrectly.

I've tried this on a version of Windows XP with the East Asian language extras installed and the region/language settings set to Japanese.

I've had someone try it on a Japanese version of Windows XP.

I believe I have a font that can display the characters installed - ArialUnicode.

What do I need to do in order to get this work?



You need to change the language for non-Unicode applications to the language you want. This is under the Advanced tab on WinXP under Regional and Language Options.

I got it to work on my own (English) version of XP but that doesn't explain why it doesn't work on Japanese versions. I've tried it on several with the same result? Surely people with the Japanese version of XP don't need to do the same thing you mentioned.

I made some progress with this but I'm still blocked.

The problem seemd to stem from the fact I saved my .nsi language specific script as "Unicode (UTF-8 without signature) Codepage 65001". Displaying the .nsi file in a text editor on an East Asian system showed mostly garbage.

When I changed the encoding to "Unicode - Codepage 1200" and resaved, the file looked correct in the text editor.

I thought this would fix the installer but the script compiler bails out on the first line of the included .nsi file:

!include: "installers\windows\lang_ko.nsi"
Invalid command: â–_
!include: error in script: "installers\windows\lang_ko.nsi" on line 1

Any suggestions?

What I have done is saved each of my language files into a header (nsh) file that is saved in the correct ascii format depending on the language being used. You can determine what the format is by looking at the language files in NSIS\Contrib\language files.

Also, try saving the file as MBCS.

Thanks all - I'll give both a try on Monday when I'm back in the office and report back.