Archive: Possible to get past Licence page without accepting terms

Possible to get past Licence page without accepting terms

In NSIS 2.23 everyting was fine, but there is a problem for me on 2.24. I generate a licence page in the Modern UI with:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "assets/license.rtf"

When the licence page is shown, the "I accept" checkbox and the "Next>" button are (correctly) disabled.

In the previous NSIS release (2.23), pressing the Enter key (correctly) does nothing. However, in 2.24 the enter key (incorrectly) moves to the next page, even though the "Next>" button is greyed out. Hmmm.

Is there a scriptable work around for this?

[OS is Vista Business edition, BTW]

Also verified with NSIS 2.24 @ XP-sp2

Regarding to the change log it's been fixed since 2007-02-20 by kichik, see below,

You may download latest build here,

I just copied Sections.nsh from the Development Files, but the Enter key goes to the next page despite the checkbox being unticked.

Do you need to use more of the Development Files?

Who said sections.nsh is the source of the problem?
The description of the license fix is just below of the sections.nsh fix description and probably you need to download the latest nightly build from the 2nd link on my above post.

re: description

You mean: fixed bug #1664648 - Sections.nsh doesn't like $0

re: download nightly build

That's where Sections.nsh is from.

Sorry if I'm being naive. You probably will be right.

I mean fixed bug #1664428 (just below the one you're referring),
regarding to that, the license issue is fixed!
If you care about the license bug, you should either download the latest build from here,
and replace your current installation, or roll back to 2.23 and wait for the 2.25 to come out.

My apologies.

After copying the entire latest nsis build over the old installation, everything works fine again.

I do care, and I'm glad it was brought up by bobbogo, and even happier there's already a fix. You guys are fast!:winamp: