Archive: Installation with Components Choise

Installation with Components Choise


SectionGroup /e "Section 1" SEC01

Section "Section 1.1" SEC011

Section "Section 1.2" SEC012

Section "Section 1.2" SEC013


The user can chose only one sub section (Section 1.1 or Section 1.2 or Section 1.3) or nothing.

How do it ?


If nothing in the above sample then what the installer is going to install?
Is there a hidden or read only section outside that group which is always installed?

I think included example one-section.nsi could be your starting point.

Originally posted by Red Wine
]If nothing in the above sample then what the installer is going to install?
There is too a required section.

Originally posted by Red Wine
Is there a hidden or read only section outside that group which is always installed?

I think included example one-section.nsi could be your starting point.
That group is not required and can be not installed.
The first section install start menu for all user, the second section install start menu for current user. And if the user doesn't want start menu, none section is selected.

Section "Program" SEC00
SectionIn RO

SectionGroup /e "Start menu" SEC01

Section "All user" SEC011

Section "Current user" SEC012


In your NSIS directory, in the 'Examples' Folder there's a nsi file called one-section.nsi which does this. It seems to work by turning the items into radio buttons which by default can only have 1 per "group" selected.

Here's the pertinent code:

Section "Group 1 - Option 1" g1o1

Section /o "Group 1 - Option 2" g1o2

Section /o "Group 1 - Option 3" g1o3

Section "Group 2 - Option 1" g2o1

Section /o "Group 2 - Option 2" g2o2

Section /o "Group 2 - Option 3" g2o3


; Functions

; $1 stores the status of group 1
; $2 stores the status of group 2

Function .onInit

StrCpy $1 ${g1o1} ; Group 1 - Option 1 is selected by default
StrCpy $2 ${g2o1} ; Group 2 - Option 1 is selected by default


Function .onSelChange

!insertmacro StartRadioButtons $1
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g1o1}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g1o2}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g1o3}
!insertmacro EndRadioButtons

!insertmacro StartRadioButtons $2
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g2o1}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g2o2}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g2o3}
!insertmacro EndRadioButtons


Originally posted by jholguin
In your NSIS directory, in the 'Examples' Folder there's a nsi file called one-section.nsi which does this. It seems to work by turning the items into radio buttons which by default can only have 1 per "group" selected.

Here's the pertinent code
I have try this code, but I can't unselect a sub section.
I need the possibility to have alle sub section unselect.

outfile 'test.exe'

!include "Sections.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"

Insttype "/CUSTOMSTRING=Please either select one option or none"
Insttype "Option one"
Insttype "option two"

page components
page instfiles

Section "Common FIles (Required)"
SectionIn RO 1 2
# common files here

SectionGroup /e "Select an option" SEC_GRP

Section /o "option 1" SEC_01
SectionIn 1
# option 1 files here

Section /o "option 2" SEC_02
SectionIn 2
# option 2 files here


Function .onSelChange
GetCurInstType $0

${if} $0 == 32
SectionGetFlags ${SEC_01} $1
IntOp $1 $1 & 1
${if} $1 == 1
SectionGetFlags ${SEC_02} $2
IntOp $2 $2 & 1
${andif} $2 == 1
MessageBox MB_OK "Only one option is allowed"
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${SEC_01}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${SEC_02}

Red Wine you really are a "Major Dude" to (junior) forum members, great!

Originally posted by onad
Red Wine you really are a "Major Dude" to (junior) forum members, great!
Thanks :)
I'm a kind of doorman, welcome the newbies showing 'em some passages to step inside ;)

I have write :

outfile 'test.exe'

!include "Sections.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"

page components
page instfiles

var menu1
var menu2

SectionGroup /e "SectionGroup " SEC03

Section "Section 1" SEC031

Section /o "Section 2" SEC032


Function .onInit

StrCpy $menu1 1
StrCpy $menu2 0


Function .onSelChange

SectionGetFlags ${SEC031} $1
${if} $1 == 1
${AndIf} $menu1 != 1
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${SEC032}
StrCpy $menu1 1
StrCpy $menu2 0

SectionGetFlags ${SEC032} $2
${if} $2 == 1
${AndIf} $menu2 != 1
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${SEC031}
StrCpy $menu1 0
StrCpy $menu2 1


Works perfectly.

I have been struggling with this same issue for a while. Red Wine, you are a godsend for me. The code example you gave above gives the exact results I am looking for. But when I impliment it into my installer, that's when it gets complicated. I have 22 sections with some sections having over 50 choices. My goal is to allow the user to choose only one, but also the option not to choose any. Well actually, it gets complicated with the 9 install types...

I'll run to the library and upload a the installer to my site so you can see it action to get a better idea, for I am using my phone at the moment and I can't do things like thhat on here. I'll add a link to the script as it is too large to cut and paste here. This is the final issue that I have with this installer. People have been begging for this for over a year.

I have not needed to go to the library because i have gotten mine to work, too. But now i'm stumped on trying to get a section with more than two options to work properly. Let's say for example, i have four options in a section that the user can only choose one option, but can also choose none of them. Any one know how to modify pegase06's script (above)?

it's been 9 days that i have been trying to get this to work. I have been trying this so many different ways but just cant get the thing to work. The damned thing is, this whole project relies on this "choose only one or none" feature. I have accomplished every other requirement for this installer and I pray that this feature is not unobtainable.

Come on, the solution is trivially simple. It's the same as the existing code, only with more ${If} ${ElseIf} {$Etc} in it.

What might seem simple to you, i have been struggling with, call me stupid, call me slow, but it took me forever to figure this one out. I was just coming back to say that I have finally got it to work on multiple options, sorry to waste anyones time and I see your post. I wish i had a better internet connection than the cell phone i have been using for months... Dial-up would be like a 20meg broadband connection compared to this. I thank you for your response, i will follow your link and see how i might improve mine.