Archive: Two phantom files extracting from nowhere desktop.ini and thumbs.db

Two phantom files extracting from nowhere desktop.ini and thumbs.db
The strange part is, is that it is only extracting to one folder amongst multiple folders that is extracted. I even recreated the folder and it still extracts desktop.ini and thumbs.db to that one folder for some reason.

Why is this? Where in the heck is it coming from?

Is it because the folder starts out empty?

Section -Main SEC0001
SetOutPath $INSTDIR ;files to be extracted and placed in folder upon install
SetOverwrite on
File /r 'File Service*' ;within this folder has the \upload\ directory that should be empty but has desktop.ini and thumbs.db extracted to it for some reason.
File /r 'Utilities*'
File /r 'CommonData*'
File /r 'HttpFileClient*'
;Sleep 1000
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\File Upload Service\Config.xml" "__ID__" "$ID_NUMBER"
WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}\Components" Main 1

I make no call to the desktop except creating a shortcut icon to it and changing the shortcut icon to a custom icon located in the \File Service\ Folder. Is this why?

How can I make sure those files are not there?

Those files come from your computer. They're located in the folders you extract and are therefore extracted as well. Use /x to skip them.

File /x desktop.ini /x thumbs.db 'some folder\*'

Ok thanks. It was just strange that it was only going to the one folder but not the others.

That /x is good to know for other uses too. Thanks.