Archive: Can I add space between checkbox and the text next to the checkbox

Can I add space between checkbox and the text next to the checkbox

I am trying to add some space between the checkbox and the text next to the checkbox on the Finish Page(checkbox:Start my Application). But the installer just ignores it.

Any thoughts?


I do this:
Text=" Check that !"

using ""

I write my code like that:

Still, the istaller just ingores the white space....?
so the checkbox is very close to the text...i wanna the space in the middle of checkbox and text.

I don't use MUI, but
Just to keep alive, try
Outfile test.exe
name "First Try"
AutoCloseWindow True

StrCpy $0 " Start $(^NAME)" ;put spaces before Start
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_topmost|MB_Iconexclamation "$0"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_topmost|MB_Iconexclamation "${MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT}"


where should I add this line in?

IntOp $PostCount $PostCount + 1


Oh, now I got it... Thanks

Originally posted by JamesKiller
where should I add this line in?
IntOp $PostCount $PostCount + 1
Thats the second time someone has tried to use my signature as code, why do people read my posts bottom up, and do I need a new sig?


your signature is somehow confusing sometimes.
I appreciate your help. It does work for me.
