Archive: MUI_EXTRAPAGES.nsh / Question

MUI_EXTRAPAGES.nsh / Question
I'm using the "MUI_EXTRAPAGES.nsh" written by Red Wine / Major Dude to create a README window (like the license window) with the new command "mui_page_readme". This really good script based on the "mui_page_license" command. Now I have the problem, that both commands use the same bottom-text under the window (If you accept the terms of the ...etc.) . The readme-window don't need a bottom text.

Thank You

Please check the posted here example of usage, the referred string has changed to,

'$\n  Click on scrollbar arrows or press Page Down to review the entire text.'

Of course this is just an example, you may add your own string or leave empty by adding empty string.

Hello Red Wine,
sorry...but it doesn't work.
The text ($\n Click on scrollbar arrows or press Page Down to review the entire text.') will not displayed. Only the text "If you accept the terms of the agreement, click ....etc." will be shown.

A part of my NSIS Scrip:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_TOP "$(Database_Text)"


; Abfrage Englisch oder Deutsch
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" ; Ländercode ist 1033 oder ${LANG_ENGLISH}
${ReadmeLanguage} '${LANG_GERMAN}' \
'Bitte Lesen' \
'Bitte nehmen sie folgende Informationen zur Kenntnis.' \
'Ãœber $(^name):' \
'$\n Benutzen sie die Rollbalken oder die PageDown-Taste um den Text zu scrollen.'

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; Ländercode ist 1031 oder ${LANG_GERMAN}
${ReadmeLanguage} '${LANG_ENGLISH}' \
'Read Me' \
'Please review the following important information.' \
'About $(^name):' \
'$\n Click on scrollbar arrows or press Page Down to review the entire text.'

This works fine for me :)

; Abfrage Englisch oder Deutsch
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" ; La"ndercode ist 1033 oder ${LANG_ENGLISH}
${ReadmeLanguage} '${LANG_GERMAN}' \
'Bitte Lesen' \
'Bitte nehmen sie folgende Informationen zur Kenntnis.' \
'Uber $(^name):' \
'$\n Benutzen sie die Rollbalken oder die PageDown-Taste um den Text zu scrollen.'

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; La"ndercode ist 1031 oder ${LANG_GERMAN}
${ReadmeLanguage} '${LANG_ENGLISH}' \
'Read Me' \
'Please review the following important information.' \
'About $(^name):' \
'$\n Click on scrollbar arrows or press Page Down to review the entire text.'

Of course I haven't german lang installed on my system though I suspect you should check the quotes and possible you need to escape some characters.

Hello Red Wine,
I think the problem is the command "MUI_INNERTEXT_LICENSE_BOTTOM", the defined text will displayed in both case ( LICENSE and README). Is there a possibilty to disable this command for the README.

: )

In case you don't want text there just add an empty space, please replace the part of you code with the following and recompile, everything works just fine for me,

; Abfrage Englisch oder Deutsch
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" ; La"ndercode ist 1033 oder ${LANG_ENGLISH}
${ReadmeLanguage} '${LANG_GERMAN}' \
"Bitte Lesen" \
"Bitte nehmen sie folgende Informationen zur Kenntnis." \
"'Uber $(^name):" \
" "

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; La"ndercode ist 1031 oder ${LANG_GERMAN}
${ReadmeLanguage} '${LANG_ENGLISH}' \
"Read Me" \
"Please review the following important information." \
"About $(^name):" \
"$\n Click on scrollbar arrows or press Page Down to review the entire text."

Hello Red Wine,
sorry..the same problem.

I send you a Screenshot of the result.

: (

Unable to reproduce the problem no matter what I've tried...
Please download and compile the attached example and see if the problem persists anyway,

Now that I've looked on the attached pic above, I suspect you're attempting to implement the header with a 3rd party UI.
As its name says, (MUI_EXTRAPAGES) it's tested thus fully compatible with NSIS Modern User Interface.
I haven't idea if it's compatible with other UIs nor how one could manage issues regarding to that.

Hello Red Wine,
thank you for help. But I think it's really a problem with the compatibility (UltraModernUI). I deactivate the bottom_text and put the content into the headerline. Now it is OK.