Archive: Portable (No Registry Entries)

Portable (No Registry Entries)

I made an installer for my program which some registry entries.
But I have an option in form of a Checkbox called "install for USB-Sticks".
Its not a problem with WriteRegStr because logic statements like {if} or StrCmp is valid in Funtions but how can I do this with VIAddVersionKey ? VIAddVersionKey is not valid in Function or Section and {if} not outside a Function :(

Thanks in advance

That instruction just adds information to identify the installer exe, it does not put anything into the target machine registry. I don't see why you are worrying over eliminating it.

The checkbox 'install for USB sticks' doesn't need to change the VersionInfo, that data has already been used when you made the installer and distributed it.

The logic statements can't change the VIAddVersionKey data because the Version info is 'compile time' and the logiclib statements are 'run time'.
