Archive: Windows Vista 64 bit Registry Key issue

Windows Vista 64 bit Registry Key issue
Hi , is anybody notice that the registry key will go to the node Win64bitNode (something like that) when try to write the registry key on Windows Vista 64bit. 32 bit Xp works fine?

Any thoughts?

no one replyed. Seems like I can express my question clearly.
when i write a rigstry key like :
writeregstrykey HLMK /company/client/install
on 32 bit windows, it works fine.
but on 64 bit windows, it will be like this:
HLMK /win6432Node/company/client/install

it under win6432node now???
any thoughts?

Take a look at this article and see if that helps. (I've not tested, but it looks like it might work...)

And just so you understand:
The redirection is done by Windows itself for any 32-bit app. It may look odd, but the win6432node is where all 32-bit apps get redirected to, so that should be where you need to look too, unless you are trying to set the registry of a 64-bit app.

Because the installer is 32 bit, that why 64 bit vista redirect to win6432node ....

is it possible to compile the installer to 64 bit?????

You can't compile 64-bit installers yet. lrobinot's patch in the thread Comperio linked allows you to access x64 registry from 32-bit installers.