Archive: two question,please see picture

two question,please see picture
see picture1
the software has installed,when run the installer again,the page is show,how to do it?please give me a example

see picture 2
this is tomcat installer finish page,here is set
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN $INSTDIR\bin\tomcat5w.exe

I want to modify "Run Tomcat" to "Run foobar",how to do it?

thanks :)

sorry,the forum can upload only one picture?

the picture 1 is

1. Find the code into makensis.nsi example inside examples directory which is installed on your system ;)
There isn't better example than this one.

2. Review MUI documentation under Page Settings/Finish Page Settings MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT.


I have installed nsis2.25,but the example makensis.nsi is the old version,have not this function that I meaned.

makensis.nsi is used to build the installer itself, so it can't be the old version. When you compile it, you must define VER_MAJOR & VER_MINOR & VER_REVISION & VER_BUILD or that page won't appear. The script uses these defines to find out whether or not it needs to show the page.