Archive: Creating folders needed for OutFile

Creating folders needed for OutFile
My installer will be used by many different applications. And I'd like to create a release folder that helps organize all the setup files. For example:


But if an App folders doesn't exist, then I run into problems. For example, the compile fails if I try something like:

OutFile /Release/${App_Folder_Name}/Setup.exe

And I assume it fails because OutFile doesn't create any missing folders, it just writes the file.

Is there a workaround solution? I'd prefer to have the compiler create any missing output folders.

You may use !system to create folders in compile time,

Argh, it's always something right there in the manual! And worse, I just read that section an hour earlier while reading up on the !if statement. And it didn't click with me.

But I am happy that such a thing exists. This will save me a ton of time...the NSIS installer has been a breath of fresh air after having to deal with MSI installer complexities.