Archive: How to get patch into official NSIS distribution?

How to get patch into official NSIS distribution?
Hey all,
So my question is this -- I made a very small patch to NSIS and added it to the patch tracker on sourceforge a month ago (it iis request id 1678664), but there's been no movement on it. Is there something special I have to do (or someone to talk to) so that I can get this patch rolled into future versions of NSIS? I hate having to manually readd the patch to each new release of NSIS.

In case the ptch contents are relevant: it is a couple line patch to ModernUI that disables the Cancel button on the Finish page even if the Run program option is enabled. Even though I added the option, in the patch I purposably left the default behavior as it was before so that unless you explicitly asked for my new behavior you would get the old. I was hoping that would make it easier to integrate the patch (since it wouldn't change/break anyone's existing installers)


I'm sorry. I usually reply on the tracker saying why I don't apply it right away. Your specific patch has two problems in my view. The first is a simple one and is regarding the define name. It's very long and unlike any other define for the MUI. It should probably be something like MUI_FINISHPAGE_DISABLE_CANCEL.

The second one is that I wanted to resolve the issue itself and not the symptoms. Currently, if you'll disable the Cancel button, the user won't be able to close the installer by using the X button. What it'll actually do, because the Cancel button is disabled, is to redirect it to the Next button. This will result in the desired effect. If the page shows a reboot request, it'll reboot even though the user probably wanted to just get left alone. Same goes to "showmes".

Another thing regarding patches is their polishing level. If after applying the patch I need to do more stuff than just commit the changes, it'll be waiting longer in line. Your patch doesn't contain documentation changes. It's also reversed (left side is your changes) and it's not something I can apply with patch.exe because you didn't use CVS diff. But those last two are just nitpicking.

kichik -- Thanks for the comments, good points all around. I'm taking this to email since I now realize that's a better place to handle the issue.