Archive: newAdvSplash problem

newAdvSplash problem
Banner::show /NOUNLOAD 'blahblah'
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
Sleep 10
StrCmp $0 100 0 -2
newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD 1000 500 500 -1 /BANNER /PASSIVE 'a.bmp'
Pop $0

i have this code. And it works. But a so strange anomaly appears in the image. Yes, the image make its effect but only in the dekstop. If i have some window opened, the image is not visible.

If i remove the banner, then i can see the image over all.

How can i fix this problem ?

Remove /passive key, this should make AdvSplash window topmost after application have lost focus after banner was destroyed. And I guess /nounload has no effect for Banner::show.

yes, this works.
but now i have other problem with the banner. Look this code
y use 2 banners and 1 newAdvSplash

Banner::show /NOUNLOAD 'blah'
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
Sleep 10
StrCmp $0 100 0 -2
newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD 2250 500 500 -1 /BANNER 'a.bmp'
Pop $0
Banner::show /NOUNLOAD 'Ready'
IntOp $0 $0 + 1
Sleep 10
StrCmp $0 100 0 -2

The problem is, the second banner i want to use, not appear, onyl on the taskbar. But it appear in the middle of the screen if i use the /PASSIVE on the newAdvSplash

is so strange

Sorry, /nounload required for modeless nsis banner. Second banner is hidden by topmost advsplash window if it is not /passive. Another problem is how Windows moves focus to other application if main (the only) window was destroyed (first banner). Try to set banner position outside advsplash rect using System plug-in & MoveWindow or SetWindowPos calls.

You mean is possible to move this banners to other location ?
how ??

Why not? :) Archive search
or just

Banner::getWindow /NOUNLOAD
Pop $0
System::Call "user32::MoveWindow(i r0, i 0, i 0, i 200, i 100) i r2"
Looks a bit ugly if banner first appear in the center and jumps to corner after this only, but a bit animation can solve the problem.

System::Call "user32::MoveWindow(i r0, i 0, i 0, i 200, i 100) i r2"

I know to use this api, but i not understand that 'i'

i r0 = the handle of the window. Where you get that ?
and the other 'i' on the position and size ?

Is possible to get the current position to a var and then apply this value + 100 pixels for example ?


EDIT: maybe the trick to fix this problem is use the SetWindowLong Api to make the banner appears in front of the image. But i dont knwo how to do that on nsis :(

Use IntOp to update int value.
'i' described in Start->Programs->NSIS->Contrib->System Readme
Link in my previous post describes how to get current position and window size.

but Takhir maybe the trick to fix this problem is use the SetWindowLong Api to make the banner appears in front of the image. But i dont knwo how to do that on nsis

Forum search can help you in most cases, for SetWindowLong I see (while I guess this is usefull on the dialog init step only, but this is available in the plug-in source code only). Attached script I wrote right now, looks funny ;)