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- a problem about the uninstall.exe file ?
Archive: a problem about the uninstall.exe file ?
25th April 2007 17:41 UTC
the uninstall.exe file is gone after I restart my computer?
Hi, I notice that I can install our Application properly, but somehow, after I restart my computer, I have seen that the uninstall exe file dispeared. So the shortcut link is invalid.
Don't know why?
here is some my code:
execwait '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" /S /R _?=$INSTDIR'
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
is that a potential issue for my code?
25th April 2007 18:19 UTC
and i used advanced build, then install.log file will be gone somehow after restarting computer.
That's really weird.
Where is my uninst.exe file???????
At the first time to install, it looks like everything is fine, after I restart the computer, the uninst.exe is still here.
when I try to reinstall, it will execute this line
execwait '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" /S /R _?=$INSTDIR'
then when I restart my computer, the uninst.exe is gone, i couldn't find it on the destination directory?
Anybody can tell me why???
Afrow UK
25th April 2007 18:49 UTC
What code is in your uninstall section?
25th April 2007 19:23 UTC
in my unistall section, i just do some clean up work, delete all the files ,registry key and stop service.
and i used like those lines:
Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\Data\*.*"
25th April 2007 19:33 UTC
And then when I try to reinstall, at the very beginning of installation, i will use nsProcess to detect one process, I found the process is running, but I can't kill it ,either. and uninstall exe file (uninst.exe) was gone?
25th April 2007 19:55 UTC
The uninstaller deletes itself when executed with `_?=`. Copy the uninstaller somewhere else and run it from there.
25th April 2007 20:10 UTC
Originally posted by kichik
The uninstaller deletes itself when executed with `_?=`. Copy the uninstaller somewhere else and run it from there.
That means I should copy unistall.exe file to a temp directory, then run it with the command like
uninst.ex _?=
is that right?
25th April 2007 20:19 UTC
25th April 2007 20:36 UTC
if I copy uninst.exe file under $INSTDIR, I can not use File command to copy this file to a temp folder.
which command should I use?
Copyfiles? or something else...
25th April 2007 20:57 UTC
but when i copy it over to a temp folder, the problem still exists.
25th April 2007 21:10 UTC
Copy it over to $TEMP using CopyFiles and execute it from there as well.
25th April 2007 21:11 UTC
Thank you, Kichik. I did.