Archive: License text color

License text color
How can I change the textcolor of the license text. I don't mean the gackgroundcolor. I use the UMUI!


I've found a way. It's really simple but a little bit tricky. We have to use RTFs with white Text color ;).

you also can set the text color manually in the Show function of the page.

use FindWindow, GetDlgItem and SetDlgColors.

Hi Andre,

I also use the UMUI.

Have you ran into any problems with displaying an .rtf on the license page?

I ran into problems with it when displaying a large license .rtf file...

It didn't "refresh" correctly on the page.
(ie, just like our problem with progress bar on the Install files page)

I never did figure out why this was.

Plus there is a noticable "pause" before the license display while its loading and presumably formatting the license.

These 2 problems were so noticable, and rather ugly, that I had to punt, and reformat the .rtf to .txt, and display that instead.

I have no idea if this is a problem with ONLY UMUI or not, but since I have committed a lot of time to using UMUI, I can't change now. =)
