Archive: Verify application not runnign before uninstall?

Verify application not runnign before uninstall?
I searched but didn't come up with anything. Perhaps I'm just not searching for the right things cause this seems like it would be a common question...

I would like to make sure none of the files in my install are in use before deleting anything.

Currently, my problem is that the uninstaller runs through as though nothing is wrong and just doesn't remove whatever is currently in use. This of course causes incomplete uninstalls.

Any Suggestions?


How about renaming the parent folder and then checking for errors (ClearErrors first). I haven't tried this but it should fail if anything in it is locked...


What I do is use the processes plugin to check for the existence of my app in memory. I then do what Afrow UK suggested on some other miscellaneous files that QA complained about. All else I use the /REBOOTOK flag when removing. Then from the installer, I check the install directory against any strings located in the remove-on-reboot registry key located at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, key is PendingFileRenameOperations, and remove them from here so that on reboot they won't be deleted if the end-user re-installs the application without a reboot.