Archive: Getsection + Nsisdl

Getsection + Nsisdl
  I'm trying to use the function here:

Along with nsisdl to loop through an ini file with a url per line. Unfortunately once I nsisdl gets called, getsection breaks and doesn't call my function after the initial download. Simplified code:

Calling line:
${GetSection} $R2\ver.ini "patches" "GetPatch"

And my function:
Function GetPatch
DetailPrint "Downloading patch..."
NSISdl::download http://???/patches/$9 "$R2\$9"
Push $0

Example ini file:

Unfortunately I don't really understand how stack work so I'm not clear on how to fix this. If i comment out nsisdl it works fine and getpatch gets called for each of the 3 zip files, but with it in there it only gets called for the first one.

Can anyone lend a hand?

You forgot to Pop the result of NSISdl. Add Pop $1 or some other variable right after NSISdl::download. You should also compare $1 to "success" to make sure the download succeeded.

No luck, I added a pop after the nsisdl and the variable gets populated with "success", but it still doesn't continue downloading the patches :(

Edit: Never mind, adding a second pop seemed to solve the problem, thanks!

i know this post is old.. but it relates to GetSection im having problems with...

1. i have !include GetSection.nsh

${GetSection} "$EXEDIR\${NAME}Settings.ini" "${NAME}Settings" "GetRegistrySection"
3. and in the callback:


MessageBox MB_OK "$9"
>Push $0
nothing.. no response..
i've tried different locations,, variables, files, sections, etc.
i also tried copying the script bypassing the !include..

is it me or is the script faulty?

Found Reason

Originally posted by PoRtAbLe_StEaLtH
i know this post is old.. but it relates to GetSection im having problems with...

1. i have !include GetSection.nsh
3. and in the callback:


MessageBox MB_OK "$9"
>Push $0
nothing.. no response..
i've tried different locations,, variables, files, sections, etc.
i also tried copying the script bypassing the !include..

is it me or is the script faulty?

it's not unicode compatible

System::Call "kernel32::GetPrivateProfileSectionA

System::Call 'kernel32::lstrlenA(t) i(i r4) .r6'
i looked these up and found the Unicode variable by switching A to W, but the script has to be rewritten.. instead of reading line by line in the INI section.. it reads char by char on each line.

i ended up using FileOpen, FileRead, etc... in a loop:


FileOpen$0 "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\${NAME}Settings.ini" r
StrCpy $R0"0" # initialize index
FileRead$0 $2
IfErrors endINISec
StrCpy$3 $2 4
${If} $3 == HKLM
${Trim} $2 ; trim carriage return
StrCpy $4 $2 -2 ; remove last 2 char
;StrCpy $1 $4 "" 5 ; remove first 5 char
${Registry::RestoreBackupKey} "$4"
;MessageBox MB_OK `DEBUG: $4`
MessageBox MB_OK `DEBUG: $1`
${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU
${Trim} $2 ; trim carriage return
StrCpy $4 $2 -2 ; remove last 2 char
;StrCpy $1 $4 "" 5 ; remove first 5 char
${Registry::RestoreBackupKey} "$4"
;MessageBox MB_OK `DEBUG: $4`
;MessageBox MB_OK `DEBUG: $1`
IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 ; $R0 must be incremented to move to next key
${LoopWhile} $2 != ""
FileClose $0