Archive: $pluginsdir

  i'm confused about the result i'm getting here:

i used the InitPluginsDir command in .OnInit, and then used the following code:

Section "Installation"


File program
File/r bin

MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "plugindir: $PLUGINSDIR\\program.exe$\\r$\\ninstalldir: $INSTDIR\\program.exe"

for some reason this outputs:
plugindir: C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsg53.tmp\program.exe
installdir: C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp\program.exe

no wonder ExecWait didn't work when i used $INSTDIR\program.exe

why the difference? :S

btw, this forum strips single back slashes from php tags but not the rest of the post, i had to double them up to get them to display!

SetOutPath sets $OUTDIR - not $INSTDIR

damn it, now i feel stupid

cheers ;)