Archive: RadioButtons - how to read which is selected

RadioButtons - how to read which is selected
I have two RadioButtons, how I can detect on which button the user is clicked? I have this:
Function ChooseAllUsersPage
StrCmp $ALL_USERS "false" skip_all_users

!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(ChooseAllUsersPage_TITLE)" "$(ChooseAllUsersPage_SUBTITLE)"

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "ChooseAllUsersPage"


This function I call it like this:
Page custom ChooseAllUsersPage in the section list order.
I made the page in NM NIS Edit.

Thank you

In the Leave function, read the State attribute with MUI_INSTALLOTIONS_READ for both radio buttons. Whichever is 1 is selected.
