Archive: How to protect installation files?

How to protect installation files?
I tried to develop a installer which allows to install the .msi packages on the user system. Our main requirement is to protect the copyrighted softwares , as we are going on community development project.

So could you please give me an idea as how to protect those source files after installation on the user system? Can i delete the source files after installation? Please help me with your suggestions...



What source files do you speak of, sorry?
If you mean the NSIS ones then you don't need to include them in the installer...


Could you please tell me as how to protect any software package with out giving the files which he can use over for illegal use (on other systems)?

Can you give me an idea about an approach of protecting copyright of package installed through .msi? For example ,if the user have .exe file, they can copy over to other systems for illegal use. I hope made my query clear enough and really sorry as i am new to this field.



Originally posted by Afrow UK
What source files do you speak of, sorry?
If you mean the NSIS ones then you don't need to include them in the installer...


You would need to implement your security within your software itself, not the installer.

The installer is just responsible for placing files and configuring the user system, unless you implement a security system between the software and NSIS installer.