Archive: NSIS installer protection.

NSIS installer protection.

I had read the installer protection posted by redwine and seems to be very interesting. Could you please suggest me with any other suggestions to disable the installer after installing on user system?



>> posted by redwine

omg - you were refering to which thread he somehow wrote???

NSIS Installer protection

Its about the NSIS installer protection where installer will not run more than three times.Could you please suggest me any other ideas regarding installer protection as where we can disable installer after installation success?



I dont know about what you are speaking - i only want to know the thread on which you were refering

where did he wrote that?

>> the installer protection posted by redwine

@ Brummelchen why you're feeling so upset man?

If I remember correctly this was simply a research started on this forum thread,

I've posted the result on wiki just for reference which might lead someone to a stealth solution,

NSIS Installer protection

I have some queries regarding the NSIS installer post by redwine. Could you please clarify my doubts regarding the code posted at wiki?

Can you explain the functionality of Install.dat and decoder.dat files which holds the counter and MD5 Checksum values? If possible can redwine explain the functionality of the code in simpler way as i am newbie over here...

Please help me out....



It's been long time, I'm afraid I don't remember what exactly does the one and the other.
I guess reviewing the script and Decrypt dll documentation would help you find the way.
As I've already mentioned the script has not any interesting functionality, it is there for reference, perhaps you may find a way to improve it.

NSIS Installer protection

Thanks for your reply..Could you please teach me how we can disable the installer after n times as i cant see any relevant code in the post.


Well, everyone in this forum knows that my english aren't my powerful point...
I'll try again... I don't remember and I'm unable to start over, aside the fact that it is incomplete thus you would not like to involve it in a real world installer.
It is there for reference, I'd say as a prove that NSIS is unique.

NSIS Installer protection
Thanks alot...i will try to figure out solution for that.