Archive: MSI file from .exe file

MSI file from .exe file
Dear all,
Can any one suggest me how to create .msi file from .exe file, the simple way i know is copy from c:/xxxx/xx/local~1/temp. Is there any standard way for it?

Thanks in advance,
Srinivas N

Can I ask why you are asking here?
NSIS does not provide support for MSI's.


A simple Google search for msi2exe shows a couple of results that might be useful. Other than that, it should be a pretty simple WiX script that just copies an executable to th temporary directory and executes it. It might even be one of their basic examples.

Hi Afrow ,

I fear if NSIS has any provision.

I imagine he is wondering if we could wrap our resulting NSIS based Installer .exe into a wrapper that would "push" it into an .msi, maybe even call the installer with flags, or some such, so that an NSIS based installer can "act" like an .msi, even if it really isn't...

Kludgy, but on the other hand, if your boss demands that you support .msi with NSIS, maybe this is the way out, while still being able to use NSIS?


I got an MSI to run doing this:

ExecWait '$SYSDIR\msiexec.exe /qf /i INSTDIR\dummy.msi"'