Archive: Good deployment logging strategies

Good deployment logging strategies
Any strategy on turning on and off logging (i.e. it's got to be turned on in a section). So if I want to turn it on in .oninit, then have it on through the uninstall and any sections, do I have to turn it off at the end of each and then on at the beginning of the next (or will that delete the log file each time)?

Eric <><

When you speak of logging, are you talking about using the dumplog function or the logging special NSIS build?


The logging special NSIS build. Never heard of the dumplog function, what is that?

Nevermind the "dumplog" function. It looks AWESOME, but we're doing all of our deployments silent (I wrote a website to deploy everything we do).

In which case, no you cannot turn logging on and off. All I can suggest is that you insert markers into the log file using LogText and then read it for the bits you want. Would be a lot of work though.


We've figured it out. We just wait until the log is complete and then copy the log to a new filename and join it with all of the other logs that we created along the way. Works like a charm. Thanks!