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- Multiple Setup question
Archive: Multiple Setup question
24th May 2007 03:00 UTC
Multiple Setup question
Is there a way to run a second setup wizard after the first one has finished and the user has press Finished from a DVD?
for Example:
Setup1 installs
Setup2 is called after the user clicks finish in Setup1.
Both Setup1 and Setup2 are on a DVD.
How can I do this?
Red Wine
24th May 2007 15:01 UTC
Function .onInstSuccess
Exec "$EXEDIR\setup2.exe"
24th May 2007 20:28 UTC
how would I go about calling that function?
24th May 2007 20:52 UTC
It will be called automatically when the setup program finishes unless the install is cancelled or aborted.
see onInstSuccess
25th May 2007 10:04 UTC
Since my next questions are on the same topic...
1. How can I make it so that if the user doesnt install Setup1 first and runs Setup2 Manually that the Installer will tell the user to run Setup1 first?
2. How can I make it so that if Setup1 was ran and they try to run it again it gives them the uninstall?
Likewise if when the user trys to run setup2 again after it has already been installed make it so that it give them the uninstall?
25th May 2007 11:23 UTC
1. write a key in the registry when setup1 complete successfully. check this registry key in setup2
2. check the standard registry key where unistaller names are kept and run the uninstaller
I use this defines at top of my install scripts:
!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
then define PRODUCT_NAME to what you want
and in the uninstaller code add something like:
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
25th May 2007 12:00 UTC
I should have mentioned im new at this... im learning slowly but im still figuring everything out. After I get these last 2 things in my installer is done.
Red Wine
25th May 2007 19:10 UTC
Originally posted by Guardian9978
Since my next questions are on the same topic...
1. How can I make it so that if the user doesnt install Setup1 first and runs Setup2 Manually that the Installer will tell the user to run Setup1 first?
2. How can I make it so that if Setup1 was ran and they try to run it again it gives them the uninstall?
Likewise if when the user trys to run setup2 again after it has already been installed make it so that it give them the uninstall?
You may use
GetParameters to check if setup2 called from setup1 or a simpler way, FindWindow from setup2 to check if setup1 is running.
25th May 2007 19:50 UTC
I would just do something like
File setup2.exe
Execwait setup2.exe
delete setup2.exe
Red Wine
25th May 2007 20:11 UTC
Originally posted by jackkoho
I would just do something like
File setup2.exe
Execwait setup2.exe
delete setup2.exe
Originally posted by Guardian9978
Is there a way to run a second setup wizard after the first one has finished and the user has press Finished from a DVD?
for Example:
Setup1 installs
Setup2 is called after the user clicks finish in Setup1.
Both Setup1 and Setup2 are on a DVD.
How can I do this?
25th May 2007 20:52 UTC
excuse me, im a newbie
26th May 2007 07:36 UTC
well the first response about having setup2 run after setup1 is done worked for me i just need to get the last 2 questions explained more since i really dont understand how to do any of it.
Red Wine
26th May 2007 08:21 UTC
FindWindow is pretty easy, for instance,
# setup2 checking if setup1 is running
function .onInit
FindWindow $0 "" "Setup1_Window_Title"
strcmp "$0" "0" _noexec _doexec
MessageBox MB_OK "My_Message"
# continue installation
26th May 2007 10:14 UTC
Not what I was meaning... Sorry if I wasn't more clear
What I wanted is to have:
Setup1 check to see if the game is installed on run and if it is then show uninstall Dialog
Setup2 same as setup1 but only after it is finished with its installation.
Afrow UK
26th May 2007 14:03 UTC
Think about how you will check if the game is installed. Registry? Existence of files?
26th May 2007 23:53 UTC
existence of files would be good. That way if the user tries to run setup2 before setup1 I would be able to tell them to run setup1 first.
for example:
setup1 installs:
and setup2 installs:
Setup1 installs its files and then if the user tries to run setup1 again it will find the files setup1 already installed and gives the user to uninstall.
Setup2 on run will check for setup1's files and if it finds them then installs its files.
if Setup2 doesn't find setup1's files it tells the user to run setup1.
After setup2 is done and they try to run setup2 again it checks for the existence of the files and if they exist then it shows them the uninstall.
Afrow UK
27th May 2007 20:52 UTC
But at the end of the day, you would probably have to use a registry entry for this. If the first installer writes the install path to the registry, then you can read that path in the second installer.
Edit: Perhaps a good solution for this first and second installer installation order dependency would be to use InstallDirRegKey. If the first installer writes the path after a successful install, the second installer can check if that registry entry exists to determine if the first install has been completed.
28th May 2007 07:09 UTC
The second installer already looks in the registry to know where to install its files.