Archive: inetc::post?

I simply want to open this website: "$username"
so I am trying to do it using the inetc-component, this is my source:

inetc:: post "$username" ""
Pop $0
MessageBox MB_OK $0

The messagebox says: "connecting", but as I can see on the server, it doesn't work, when using "get" instead of "post" it gives the error message: "File Write Error", but it seems to work as I can see on the server.

So I need to make it say "OK" when it worked on the server, any idea?

Minimum parameters set for post and get:

inetc::post "my post string" URL PATH_FILE
inetc::get URL PATH_FILE

I don't know what means 'simply open'. If you want open browser window use ExecShell.

inetc::post "username=$username" "" "$PLUGINSDIR\output.txt"


BTW 'post' example with nsi and php files included into

thanks Afro UK and all others, I got it running now.
My source:
inetc::post "username=$username" "" "$PLUGINSDIR\output.txt"
Pop $0
StrCmp $0 "OK" sdone
;Could not upload

One additional question: Where do I need to place the /SILENT flag (to not display progress bar)? I tried this, but didn't work:
inetc:: post "username=$username" "" /SILENT

Use after inetc::post and before any other parameters.


Hm, strange. It displays anyway and also shows an error (my error message: "URL Parts Error"), when using this code:
inetc:: post /SILENT "username=$username" ""
or this:
inetc:: post SILENT "username=$username" ""
Any idea?

Where has the local file parameter gone from your code?


Sorry, forgot to copy it:

inetc:: post SILENT "username=$username" "" "$PLUGINSDIR\output.txt"

ugly, but so:

inetc::post "username=$username" /SILENT "" "$PLUGINSDIR\output.txt"

Hi, yes this is working. Thanks a lot!