Archive: Com and PHP

Com and PHP

I created a dll file in Visual Basic
Public function news()
dim a,b as Integer
msgbox a+b
end function

I am trying to call this dll in php thru the following code
$obj=new COM("test.trial");
echo "hi";


echo $output;


where test is the dll name and trial is the class name.

when i run this php file in command prompt like
c:\php>php.exe "c:\Inetupub\wwwroot\use.php"
its working

but the same code is not running in the web pages when i click button.

Can any 1 help me plsssss.


Wrong forum
Try general discussions


I have created a dll file in Visual basic and want to call that file in php.

When i run my php code in command prompt its working but thru the webpage it's not working.

I cant understand what the reason is...

Is this related to NSIS then?
If not, you should probably try
