Archive: Delete Temp, Temp Internet Files and History

Delete Temp, Temp Internet Files and History
I have been trying to code something that deletes /REBOOTOK temp, temp internet files/history <--- Paranoia... :)

C:\Documents and Settings\Steven\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files C:\Documents and Settings\Steven\Local Settings\Temp C:\Documents and Settings\Steven\Local Settings\History

Is where they are on my machine, if that helps?

However I know you can put them on another drive some how...

Is there a variable that contains the path to these?

All I found was this: h**p://

I am not sure how I can mod that script to work with the above?

Also, how may I "delete a file" which when it error (because it is not found), no error is shown?)

You can't remove the actual folders because they are locked by the operating system. You have to delete the contents, so use
Delete "path\*.*".

As for not displaying error messages in the log window; you can't. You can only stop output by using SetDetailsPrint none.


You are not supposed to delete the History and TIF like this, they are not normal folders, but special shell folders, there is an api you could probably call with the system plugin

Thanks for the info, does anyone know how?
You'll need to implement this into a plugin.


How could I do this?
Is there any wiki page that can guide me through it?

use Revo Uninstaller to delete, remove temp, internet, history and all tracking files and registry entries. It also has a Evidence Remover - will remove any deleted data and it will be impossible to recover. It's a Freeware also ;)