Archive: Finish button is pressed automatically...

Finish button is pressed automatically...
Sometimes(I can't say exactly when or why) the finish button on finish dialog is pressed automatically...
maybe somebody know possible reasons of at least could help with steps to localize the problem.

All I can say that in some momment after installation I get a crash(I also can't localize it) and after that when I try to reinstall the finish button is ignored - the installation finishes by itself without pressing finish button.

Please attach part of the script.


Unfortunately I can't attach part of script which could help you to understand the reason of problems.

But after rather long playing with script I found the problem.
In my case it was fixed by changing the order of insttalling and registering two dlls.

!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL NOTSHARED NOREBOOT_PROTECTED "c:\1\SomeLib1.dll" $INSTDIR\SomeLib1.dll $TEMP
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL NOTSHARED NOREBOOT_PROTECTED "c:\1\SomeLib2.dll" $INSTDIR\SomeLib2.dll $TEMP

changed to
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL NOTSHARED NOREBOOT_PROTECTED "c:\1\SomeLib2.dll" $INSTDIR\SomeLib2.dll $TEMP
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL NOTSHARED NOREBOOT_PROTECTED "c:\1\SomeLib1.dll" $INSTDIR\SomeLib1.dll $TEMP

I though that the problem was on my side - I mean that I was using NSIS in wrong order trying to register SomeLib1.dll which has dependency with SomeLib2.dll

I added next row
File "c:\1\*.dll"
but it's also didn't help.

Maybe I don't know something about sequence or registering dlls in NSIS?...

InstallLib places the files in the installer for you.


I know that. But I don't understand why installer crashes depending on sequence of InstallLib calls.

Probably because some DLL files depend on others and fail to properly handle their shortage.