Archive: Active Directory plugin available?

Active Directory plugin available?
Is there a plugin for a Windows 2003 Active Directory domain, e.g to get the group membership of an user, to manipulate user attributes or to add a user to an Active Directory group?

Thanks in advance for your help.

why dont u "manage" active directory with scripts? calling tools such as dsadd,cvsde etc... etc...

Thank you for your feedback. I know that there are a lot of nice tools to manage the Active Directory but I need a simple solution to check from a NSIS installer package if a user is member of a specific group or not .....

There's a function in the Wiki that retrieves the user's group.

I put some code together to do LDAP style searches on AD mid last year. e.g. it can do searches like:

/filter="(&(objectCategory=Group)(sAMAccountName=Domain*))" /attributelist="distinguishedName,objectSid"

(where filter is the search criteria and the attribute list is what attributes for each matching object to return.)

I never released it as it was a bit patchy, and still isn't complete.

I will see if it can be made presentable enough for a release, might be a couple of days though. It will probably be alpha release level code but I am happy to work on improving it, if there is a need for this type of functionality in NSIS.

Doing AD administration is a bit more involved, but I think could be done in a NSIS plug-in, possibly by extending the framework I developed for the search function.
