Archive: WinVista non-admin Install/uninstall issues

WinVista non-admin Install/uninstall issues
Please consider this question about using NSIS v2.8. I am attempting to install my app on PC's running VISTA.
My install script includes the following:

RequestExecutionLevel admin

When logged on to the target PC as an admin, My app installs and uninstalls GREAT :) When logged on as non-admin, the app installs successfully, but I get no shortcuts. I only get shortcuts on the admins account.

What I want is to install/uninstall my app from either the admin OR the non-admin account and get shortcuts on the respective account I install from.

Is there any way to accomplish this task?
(carefully read thread: Shortcuts on Vista, Alex5 5-23-2007, but didn't see a solution there)

Many thanks!!!


This is how UAC works, if you don't want to deal with vista, put the shortcuts in the all users start menu

Thanks (I noticed Mozilla Firefox installs to All Users when installing their app on Vista machines).

One more ?

Is there and NSIS script that causes the path to point to the All Users dir for the install and the uninstall?

I'm looking for the script to return this path for the All Users program shortcuts: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

And the script to return this path for All Users desktop shortcuts:
C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop

Thanks a million for your time.

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