Archive: Force installer to specific page?

Force installer to specific page?
Is it possible to force an installer to go to a specific page?

Basically I want the installer to flash up a "Problems during install" type finish page if a specific set of registry keys are not found.

- Galdric

Thanks for that.

My second question is can you edit the finish page Title/Text during run time? (so an error can let me change how it looks.)

Certainly you can, finish page is indeed an InstallOptions custom page hence you're able to modify it during runtime like every IO page.
I think it's referred on MUI documentation, search the forum and the wiki as well.


I was putting all of thepage inserts up the top of the file (It looks neater that way) so defines wouldn't work when I called them in functions. Moving the Finish Page insert to the bottom of the file made the defines work.

Gods NSIS can be confusing >_<