Archive: Error with SConstruct file in Linux NSIS kit

Error with SConstruct file in Linux NSIS kit
Here's the deal...
I have a working NSIS script for Windows and am trying to build the installer in Linux (RHEL 3). I downloaded the 0.96.93 version of SCons and installed it. I then downloaded the nsis-2.28-src.tar.bz2 archive and exctracted it. I try to build makensis by running "scons install-compiler" but get an error (don't have the exact text now).

The error points to the SConstruct file that came with the nsis tarball. A quick google search suggested that the file has an error on line 554:
if env['PROGSUFFIX'] not in target:

I don't believe the "in" fuction can take a string whose length isn't equal to 1. I'm new to Python, so I could be completely off.

Any thoughts?

"in" supports strings of any length. Which version of Python are you using and what's the exact error message?