Archive: about InetLoad.dll

about InetLoad.dll
I have tried to use 'InetLoad.dll' to down a file and installer it.

first:i want to down a.exe and installer a.exe

second:when i install it after and delete it.

InetLoad::load "http://A.exe" "$EXEDIR\1.exe"
Pop $0 # return value - exit code

ExecWait "1.exe"

how to wirte a script for 'when i install it after delete it '

System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleFileNameA(i 0, t .s, i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}) i'
Pop $0

Section "Dummy Section" SecDummy
InetLoad::load "http://3240.exe" "$TEMP\3240.exe"
Pop $0

ExecWait '"$TEMP\3240.exe" '


Section "Dumy Section" SecDumy
Delete "$TEMP\3240.exe"
if not Complete a download a file
i want to save **.tmp,but not delete it
when i next time
go on to download it.

No problem to Delete file:

Section "Dummy Section" SecDummy
InetLoad::load "http://3240.exe" "$TEMP\3240.exe"
Pop $0
ExecWait '"$TEMP\3240.exe"'
Delete "$TEMP\3240.exe"

InetLoad supports re-get functionality but in the current session only. So if you want to continue interrupted download later you should edit plug-in' code and rebuild it.

Originally posted by Takhir
No problem to Delete file:
Section "Dummy Section" SecDummy
InetLoad::load "http://3240.exe" "$TEMP\3240.exe"
Pop $0
ExecWait '"$TEMP\3240.exe"'
Delete "$TEMP\3240.exe"

InetLoad supports re-get functionality but in the current session only. So if you want to continue interrupted download later you should edit plug-in' code and rebuild it.
thanks sir.

why not i use "ExecWait '"$TEMP\3240.exe" /S /D=D:\Program Files\Foo3' " to make a Program. it doesn't installer into D:\Program Files\Foo3