Archive: hide & disable RUN Checkbox in the finish Page of MUI

hide & disable RUN Checkbox in the finish Page of MUI

I'd like to disable (hide & uncheck) the Run checkbox in the finishpage of a MUI installer during runtime.

can somebody tell me what im doing wrong?

the following code doesn't do a thing
The GetdlgItem always return '0':igor:
Somebody have some hints what I'm doing wrong?

!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW Show_PageFinish_custom
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

Function Show_PageFinish_custom
GetDlgItem $R9 $MUI_HWND 1203 ; run checkbox, see MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT macro
ShowWindow $R9 ${SW_HIDE}
MessageBox MB_OK $R9
# MessageBox MB_OK $MUI_HWND

Why? Why not just not use MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN?
Instead execute your file in the page's leave function.


I have the same installer vor Admin and non Admin

If a admin installs he can choose to run the helper programm at the end

If a non admin installs, he must not run the helper programm...

How about disable?
I had a similar thing where I needed to disable the check box on the final page rather than hide it.

I have some variable, which I called $MYVAR in this example here. This is set earlier on in the installer depending on a certain condition. You the define the function to be called before the final page is displayed:


This function sets the Flag of Field 4 (which should be the first check box on the final page if I recall correctly),

Function FinalPagePre
${If} $MYVAR == "true"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioSpecial.ini" "Field 4" "Flags" "DISABLED"

There are more details in "NSIS\Docs\Modern UI\Readme.html"

Your code to hide the check box should work if you have the control id correct. It is 1200 + field number - 1.
If you get to the finish page then look at %TEMP%\ns###.tmp\ioSpecial.ini you can find out which field is the check box (it's an InstallOptions initialisation file).


thanks !

It's easier to read the HWND field, see the InstallOptions readme.