Archive: PC Crash during installation page

PC Crash during installation page
Hello guys
I need to know if anyone of u here ever encountered with this kind of problem
I created an installer, using HM NIS Edit, NSIS 2.24, UMUI interface, with the skin images are modified.
What happen is, during the installation page (cancel button is disabled), one of our testers press "Ctrl+alt+del" and his pc get crash!
Now we are still investigating. I really hope if anyone of u here, have this kind of experience before, please, kindly share with me!
Thank you for any reply!


Send him a standed Modern UI installer with a Sleep 10000 in a section and see if it crashes.
If not then it would be UMUI at fault, but if it does then it could be related to this:

When you say crash, what happens exactly?
